Marvel Comics hates me.
Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada tried to ruin Spider-Man. Now, he's canceled Marvel's best new mainstream comic book in years,
The Order.
It's as though Doctor Doom has seized control of the House of Ideas.
The Order, which debuted last summer, was probably the only positive development to come out of Marvel's
Civil War mega-event you know, that silly business in which Spider-Man unmasked on national television, Iron Man turned into George W. Bush, and Captain America got back-shot like Tupac?

Written by the supremely talented
Matt Fraction (co-author of another of my current-favorite Marvel reads,
The Immortal Iron Fist, which will probably be canceled now that I've owned up to buying it) and engagingly drawn by
Barry Kitson (with whose work I fell in love during his recent stint on DC's
Legion of Super-Heroes),
The Order chronicles the adventures on a group of rookie superheroes, charged by the United States government as the official protectors of California. With a couple of minor exceptions, all of the heroes in the series were created especially for
The Order, and Fraction and Kitson have done masterful work in making each member of the team interesting, individual, and compelling.
Heaven forfend that anything both fresh and unique should be given time to build an audience.
In truth,
The Order began life with a strike against it (aside from its focus on unfamiliar characters, that is). When first announced, the series and its eponymous supergroup were supposed to be known as
The Champions, a shout-out to
a short-lived but fondly remembered Marvel series of the 1970s.

Beginning with
The Defenders in 1971, Marvel went through a phase of cobbling together superhero teams from the most unlikely assemblages of candidates. The original Defenders lineup, for example, included Doctor Strange, the Sub-Mariner, and the Hulk the Silver Surfer joined them in the second issue bringing together Marvel's least cooperation-friendly characters into a single unit.
The Champions' roster was even more bizarre the Greek demigod Hercules; the Black Widow, a former Soviet spy turned superheroine; the demonic Ghost Rider; and a couple of original X-Men, Angel and Iceman. (I always wondered whether writer Tony Isabella and editor Len Wein simply stuck pictures of every Marvel character on Len's office wall, donned blindfolds, and threw darts at random to make up the Champions.)
What made the Champions unique to Marvel, aside from their patchwork lineup, was the fact that they were based in Los Angeles a break from the New York centrality of the rest of the company's series. (The Black Widow and Daredevil had moved to San Francisco together in the early '70s, forming Marvel's first West Coast superteam.) The 21st-century Champions, also L.A.-based, were initially named as an homage to the originals.
Unfortunately for Marvel, a company called
Heroic Publishing (home of
Flare and
Liberty Girl) had snapped up the trademark on the comic book title
Champions, Marvel having abandoned it when
The Champions was canceled in 1978. When Heroic refused to relinquish the trademark in exchange for monetary considerations, Marvel retitled its new Fraction-Kitson series
The Order.
Now, you can just call it defunct.
Thinking back on those disco-era Champions, though...
I always liked
the Black Widow as a character. She and Daredevil, with their similar fighting styles and abilities, made a solid partnership, and the Widow's strategic leadership was one of the best features of
The Champions. Plus, her simple, elegant costume design essentially just a black bodysuit, accessorized with a gold-ring belt with a black widow's red "hourglass" on the buckle, and wrist-mounted "stingers" is a dynamite look.
As you can judge for yourself, from this slick, retro-cool pinup by the inimitable
Phil Noto.

Having dropped away from regular comics reading in the late '80s, I was until recently unaware that Marvel's modern-day Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff a.k.a. Natalia Romanova (there was a previous, unrelated character codenamed Black Widow in the 1940s), had been temporarily supplanted for a few years by a newer, younger model named Yelena Belova. The second Widow was blonde, of all things. After four decades of the Black Widow as a redhead, that strikes me as just plain wrong... then again, Marvel doesn't care what I like anyway.
Just to show that I can be open to new ideas, however, this attractive drawing by
Matt Haley shows Natasha and her youthful counterpart together.

Okay, yeah. That works for me. (Is it now a rule that young superheroines have to wear bare-midriff costumes? And if so, can we reevaluate that rule?)
Natasha has also graced our Common Elements series with her always-welcome appearance. Artist
Ty Romsa pairs the Widow with mercenary-at-large
Silver Sable in this commissioned drawing.

Today, the Black Widow is a mainstay of the Avengers. That's the "Mighty" Avengers, as opposed to the "New" Avengers, for those of you who have difficulty keeping the teams straight... as do I.
I'm still ticked about
The Order, though.
And that's your Comic Art Friday.
Labels: Comic Art Friday, Reminiscing, Taking Umbrage